The "rules" hunt

Submitted by k6vcr on Mon, 08/29/2022 - 17:58
Type of Hunt
Hunt Date
Hunt Story

Results of the August 2022 Meathead Hide.

Well, to start this one I must be honest with you hunters and interested parties (however I not sure why anybody else would be interested), that it took a long and arduous effort to pick the winner of this event.

First, I thank all that participated in coming out to hunt. WA6CYY, WA6RJN, KI6RXX, and team N6MI, K6VCR, and AF6O. the rest

We placed 6 T’s Saturday morning, KD6LAJ T2 which was the "go to" for the area to where the rest where hidden. KF6GQ T9, KF6GQ T7, KF6GQ T33/8, KF6GQ T77* and KF6GQ T food. They were all within 2.5 miles of Lake Gregory in Crestline Ca.

The location of the T’s are as follows T2 was located near the Strawberry Peak repeater site at 34.2332 -117.2357. T9 was located at the dead end of Chamois Dr. at 34.2390 -117.2509. T7 was located at Old Mill Rd. at 34.2536 -117.2922. T33/8 was on Cedar Pines Dr. at 34.2554 -117.3169. T77 no one found this T (see pictures of neat area it was hidden at). and T food was on Montreaux Dr. Near 34.26 0-117.290. (only approximate). The is a private home of a friend who allowed us to serve food and a location of two transmitters. Thank you!

T77 was to get hunters close to sniffing range of food T. Unfortunately. T77 which had been going strong since 10:00am, decided to stop transmitting at about the time three teams were closing into area. Food T was only running about 400mw to a wire vertical dipole mounted just above ground level, and with all of the other T’s covering up the weak food T, making a tough time of it (sorry it had been working for the last 15 years without ever failing!). All hunters eventually found the food T, and the food!

Looks like I forgot a important part of my report, the mobile T hiders!

The T (a Byonics Micro-Fox running .6 watts to 1/4 wave vertical) was being carried in a backpack by the wives of hiders and cabin owner.

First there was Ema (owner of cabin with her granddaughter Olivia, in kid cart), Debbie KG6LOR, Steve's wife, and Lynn KA6TAS, Don's wife. They started from food T at 1:00pm and walked (strolled) around the lake for the next 3 hours. Their job was to look as inconspicuous as possible (which failed as one of the hiders was seen pointing at N6MI's vehicle when sighted) as they went about their walk. They returned at 4:00pm excited to have been found by at least one team! KI6RXX indicated that he had heard T while circling the lake. Thank you guys (girls) for such a fine job done. See photo below. 

Now for the complicated results.

WA6CYY was the first to find T food and it was also his last. Because his time between finding his first T and finding his last, no time had expired. Also since 30 mins. was subtracted from time spent at food T (as explained in rules), WA6CYY had an astonishing negative 30 min.! This is worth 3 T’s found!!! Plus one for the food T and the fastest elapsed time to last T which was worth 2 T’s found, for a total score of 6 T’s found! (way to go Ron)! Oh! And he did all this with a broken antenna!

N6MI team found the most T’s, T2, T mobile, and T7. This would give the team 2 T’s found for mobile T (first to find mobile T), one for T2 ( T food was already found by WA6CYY and WA6RJN) so one for food T, and I will give them 1 T found for trying to get T77 for a total of 5 T’s found, however as I indicated late Friday I was going to find some way that an excess number of hunters in one vehicle must had an equalizing factor. I think that dividing the number of hunters in one vehicle into the total T’s found will give the N6AIN team 1.67 T’s found. Great job to N6MI, K6VCR and AF6O even with the three team handicap, you got a decent score!.

KI6RXX got one T found for finding T2 and one T found for finding the food T, trying to locate T77 is good for one T found. for a total of 3 T’s found. Congratulations on beating the team of N6MI.

Last but not least, WA6RJN who also was hunting alone. Doug got one T found for finding T2. And one T found for finding T food, trying for T77 is worth one T found, also he stuck it out until he found T9, this gives Doug a total of 4 T’s found.

Again thanks for the teams that came out for what I hope was a fun hunt, and to those hunters that came all the way up from San Diego. We had fun putting it on and a great thanks for Elias and Ema (my friends) for putting up with all the tomfoolery.

Oh! I forgot, the winner of the hunt is WA6CYY with 6 found T’s. Congratulations Ron, hope to find you in November.

Note: Some details of hunt will not be disclosed and were not applicable to the calculations used to find the winner, and will not be discussed further.


*I was hoping that I would have a diagnosis of the death that T77 had, but I have not done autopsy yet!

Update: Forensic report on T77. Osc +2nd stage tripler tuning caps needed readjusting (very critical).


1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place