I had a plan. And then another and another. Finally decided to Keep It Simple Stupid. I had prepared and tested and programmed all of the equipment that would be used earlier in the week, loaded all of it up in the truck on Friday evening and went to bed. The alarm had been set for 3am but I must have slept through it. Out of bed at 3:45, on the road by 4:15. No traffic to speak of and I made good time to the repeater site arriving just before dawn. The repeater was a 1/2 watt with a hot rod vertical. Headed the 35 miles to T-3 site, placed the transmitter, a 1 watt Baofeng attached to a 4 element yagi thrown in a bush. The at the main road I turned right and placed the Froggs micro T a few hundred feet up the road, my feeble attempt to sucker someone up to Baldy. Then I was off to T-2 , about 10 miles away. T-2 was another 1 watt Baofeng this time with a
6 Teams arrived at the start point and had plenty of signals. There were 6 transmitters on the hunt but with the repeater rebroadcasting T2, T3 and T4 it might sound like more. My guess was that all the teams would go for the 1/2 watt loud vertical signal of the repeater first as it was only 8.2 miles away (9.2 by car). Everyone but KI6RXX/KG6JEI did. The first 4 teams got there between 12 and 12:30, then WB6HPW/N6PL arrived at 1:40. Team RXX went for T-4 first and was actually the first team to find a transmitter, T-0000 at 11:39. I don't believe they found T-4 for quite a while.
Some of you need to be more careful recording your times and mileage on the sign in sheets.
3 Teams found 7 T's The winner of the hunt was scored by the lowest mileage from the repeater to the next T.
Congratulations Bill, WB6MGT! You are the winner!
GPS Coordinates
T-1 N34.23333 W117.79813 SHOEMAKER CANYON RD
T-2 N34.1471 W117.7763 SAN DIMAS CANYON RD
T-3 N34.16924 W117.67554 NORTH MOUNTAIN AVE
T-4 N34.2897 W117.8384 SAN GABRIEL CANYON RD
MICRO T-0000 N34.2154 W117.8608 SAN GABRIEL CANYON RD
MICRO FROGGS N34.17748 W117.67725