WA6RJN Order T found Time found Miles KI6RXX Order T found Time found Miles
T7 11:40 52.0 T77 12:13 48.3
T12 15:03 64.0 T5 13:34 51.4
Main T T9 16:00 68.0 T12 15:03 65.7
T5 18:40 79.0 T7 16:00 71.2
T77 18:54 80.0 Main T T9 17:02 78.3
T16 19:45 85.0 T16 17:42 80.8
T14 20:47 86.5 T14 18:55 86.5
Total 9:07** Total 6:42**
** Total time from first T to last T
Since the total miles for each team is the same, we will use the
time elapsed between first T found and last T found to determine winner.
Making the winner Drum Roll !!!!!!!!!!!!!! KI6RXX
Steve KD6LAJ and his friend Clint KM6KHT helped Don KF6GQ & Lynn KA6TAS hide this hunt in the Cajon pass area.
T locations as hunter would pass if doing the shortest way possible .
T7 under the I15 Frwy @ 34.2783, -117.4511.
T12 Next to Mormon Rocks near Union Pacific Railroad Tracks @ 34.3186, -117.4941.
T9 Main T running about 2 watts to 4 el. beam facing Mt. Baldy @ 34.3214, -117.4282.
T14 micro T tied to steel fence post about .1 mile from T9 @ 34.3213, -117.4289.
T16 micro T about 1 mile from T9, line of sight across valley, 3 set of railroad tracks @ 34.3332, -117.4235.
T77 old AF6O box running 2 watts just south of Summit Inn T hunter bearing taking place @ 34.3599, -117.4324.
T5 a Byonics MicroFox PicCon Running .5 watts to a vertical near the I15 Frwy on frontage road about .5 north of T77 @ 34.3706, -117.4245.
The weather was great, too bad more couldn’t of made it out, and thanks for both Greg & Doug for braving
the hunt knowing that one of them would be winning. And thanks for both hunters for picking up the used T’s
after the hunt, so I wouldn’t have to come back on Sunday. See you all next month.
Clint, Steve, Lynn, and Don