In Between

Submitted by k6vcr on Tue, 01/04/2022 - 17:58
Type of Hunt
Hunt Date
Hunt Story

November 2021 All Night hunt
Six transmitters were hidden in the Santa Margarita Mountain area.

The main transmitter was 35 watts through an 11 element horizontal beam and was positioned near the top of Santa Margarita Peak. The last 4 miles of that road required a high clearance vehicle so I planted a micro T with an annoying telemarketer message with a note on the sign in sheet that said: LOW CLEARANCE VEHICLES TURN AROUND HERE. CONTACT HIDER AND THE APPROPRIATE MILEAGE WILL BE ADDED TO YOUR SCORE AND YOU WILL BE CHECKED IN.

All other transmitters were easily accessible by standard clearance vehicles. 

One transmitter, T-3 failed sometime after 3:00. Only Scott, N6MI found it. It was a 3 watt transmitter that could be heard from almost everywhere so I am throwing it out of the scoring of the hunt.

That makes Doug, WA6RJN the winner with 5 transmitters and 138 miles.

RJN 5 Ts 138 miles
N6MI 4 Ts 134 miles
KI6RXX 3 Ts 138 miles
WB6HPW 3Ts 109 miles
KF6GQ 1 T 128.8 miles
KA6UDZ 1 T 142.4 miles
WB6MGT no Ts

All transmitters were found by at least one team. The Train Horn micro T on 74 above Lake Elsinore was still up when I retrieved it.

Thanks for coming out! 

1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
5th Place
6th Place
7th Place